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Azay-le-Rideau in the Loire Valley

street view of Azay-le-Rideau in bloom

We like Azay-le-Rideau a lot and wonder why it hasn't been included in the list of 'most beautiful villages in France'. Its charming streets and wonderful 'floating' chateau are excellent credentials. Add to this a fine church and plenty of restaurants and gift shops and you have the makings of a good day out.

restaurant in Azay-le-Rideau 

We have eaten in four of the restaurants in the centre of town and where they all offered something different the consistent thing was good food and value for money.

Chateau Azay-le-Rideau seeminly floating on the river Indre

The main tourist 'draw' is of course its sumptuous castle and gardens, with the chateau appearing to float on the waters of the river Indre.


You read more on this beautiful chateau here:



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