- Val de Loire)

A 'brocante'
(pronounced 'bro-cahnt' - think car-boot or flea
market) is a local event / fete which almost every
town or village here in the Loire Valley in France has at
least once a year. They are spread throughout the
year so when you are holiday here you might want to
make a point of visiting your local event if the
dates coincide or check where the nearest one is
being held.

Often they are
held in the centre of the town or village but can
also spill out into the surrounding streets.

Le Grand Pressigny
Sometimes like the large brocante (over 400
stalls) at La Celle Guenand it is moved out to
designated fields outside the town. From our
experience these can prove to be just too big and 'brocante
blindness' sets in where you are looking but nothing
really registers.

La Celle Guenand
you are looking for some treasures or just
want to experience a little bit of rural French life
then this is a great opportunity for both. You will
be surprised at what you might find...everything
but...oh no, there it is!

will also see 'Vide greniers' advertised which literally
translates as 'empty your attic' when there are
normally no professional sellers but more
unwanted/unloved household items...

At brocantres the locals are often joined by
the professionals who will
put on more of a display.