Like many chateau of the Loire Valley Chateau
Montpoupon sneaks up on you unexpectedly! As you wind your way
through another beautiful valley framed by forest it literally jumps
out on you by the road side. It is worth taking the time to pull
over and walk a bit away to take in this splendid site from a
pay your entry at the castle gate before entering the grounds.
Away from the main
dwelling the private chapel
within the 'Poterne' (little corner torret) to the left of the main
gate could be your first port of call. It was built to replace the chapel of the
castle which was destroyed during the French
Still privately owned
the chateau has gone through a number of
transformations during its lifetime. Apparently
it started its life as a medieval fortress
though its location couldn't have made it easy to defend -- aren't
they supposed to be on rocky out crops or
something! This is probably why it had to be
rebuilt after the Hundred Years war! The most
recent restorations have been in a Renaissance

chateau itself has well furnished period rooms giving you a taste of
family life within, there is also a reserved bedroom for the 'King'
a tradition many chateau adopted in case royalty came to call.

It has a 'lived-in'
feeling, unlike a lot of its grander neighbours,
though the parts you see are quickly gone
through. Its the museum that is its main
attraction. Full of all things 'horsey' with the
hunting teams quarters furnished and laid out as
they would have been during its heyday. Judging
by the painting and postcards on display they
certainly took it seriously!
There is also an interesting
dovecote where every year an exhibition of works
by a contemporary artist are displayed.

The chateau and hunting
museum are open from
10h to 12h and 14h to18h
(last admission)
We suggest it is worth making this part of your itinerary if you are travelling up from southern Touraine to visit some of the grander chateaux
- especially if you are into horses/hunts as there is an impressive museum dedicated to these. The chateau has a rich tradition of hunting and hunting groups still meet here today though probably not with the same pomp and ceremony as years gone by
although you can see from the video here
they certainly give it a good try !
