La Guerche

Our nearest neighbour (4.5km) here in Barrou is the small village of La Guerche although it has no commerce to speak of it does have a rather splendid riverside
chateau. We have taken the tour and if you are staying at 'Le Bourg' we would recommend a short stroll around the village then a visit to the chateau itself. (*see below for opening hours).

As you walk its narrow you get the feeling that not a lot has changed in the last hundred years.

You will find some interesting half-timbered houses and doors that look as if they have been there forever.

*The chateau and gardens are open from July 1 to September 30:
Monday - Saturday:
10h to 13h / 14h to 19h
13h to 19h
14h to 19h
Full price: 6 €
Reduced price: € 4