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Paris périphérique


The Paris ring road, périphérique, (affectionately referred to as 'Terrif-eek' or 'Petriphi' by visitors) stretches 35 km around the city, roughly following its boundaries. It can be quite intimidating especially if you venture on for the first time. You can join the ring road at one of the 30 gates (“portes”) that branch on and off the expressway.  Depending on your destination, you have the choice between the inner ring road (“périphérique intérieur”) which runs in a clockwise direction and the outer (“périphérique extérieur”), which runs anti-clockwise.


The video above will give an indication of what the drive is like - though you should take it a little slower ! 

The motorbikes add a different dimension to the journey - you just have to be aware of their presence. You can turn off the sound!

Journey time between exits/gates are now displayed on illuminated overhead panels. Exit signs for each gate into the city are given plenty of time in advance so as not to miss them, make sure you position yourself correctly, in the right-hand lane. It is a good idea to try and stay out of this lane, traffic permitting,until you are close to your exit or you can very easily, like many before you, head off on the wrong slipway. There are four lanes for the majority of the route but it also goes down to three and up to five lanes in places. You should also be aware that vehicles entering the expressway from the right have priority over vehicles already there. The speed limit is 80 km/h (50mph),  Watch out for the speed traps.




Plan showing exits/portes on the périphérique:





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