Saint Maurice church in Barrou

The church we see today in the
Southern Touraine village of Barrou, 'Eglise Saint-Maurice'. dates
from 1765 but was rebuilt in the 19th century
and extensively restored in 1926.

This Loire Valley church contains a number of
stained glass windows manufactured by Touraine craftsmen
plus a stencilled wooden barrelled ceiling that at first can
go unnoticed but worth raising your head for.

Although the church's patron Saint Maurice
(left) is looking a bit the worse for wear, he could be
excused as he has been around since the 15th century! The
statue on the right's origin is less certain with the
date appearing to have been changed from the 13th to18th

Where's Joan?...

She is actually featured twice here as in statue form and in
one of the church widows

This church replaced an 11th century building, destroyed by
a flood in 1760 and washed into the river Creuse. The
presbytery of the original church is still standing in the
shape of a very fine house.
