Today we visit the church of Saint Martin
in Aubigny-sur-Nere. The town has a very strong Scottish
connection and the Stuarts have left
their mark on many buildings in the town including its fine
church. Today you see a predominately 16th century building in a
Gothic style but retaining touches of an earlier Romanesque
church. It has survived wars and fires over the years and is
testament to the commitment of the local people to maintain
their place of worship.
church has a glorious nave of cathedral proportions (17m high)
which leads you to its fine altarpiece within the apse above
which the 16th century stained glass windows depict scenes from
the life of St. Martin but also
include the shields of Stuarts, lords d'Aubigny.
impressive vaulted ceiling of the nave lords over one of two
organs within the church...
and they are carried on into the side vaults.
contains some fine stained glass windows ...

The town and its church are worth making a detour to if you
are visiting this part of Centre-Val de Loire.