Something that may not be widely known is the French love for walking - their commitment to the 'Randonnée' is such, according to franceonfoot.com,
that although the country is three times England’s size, it has more than
eight times
the mileage of public footpaths.

are marked out to make them easy to follow using colour coded symbols (examples of which can be seen here
https://randotouraine.asso.fr/ .
You will find organized walks all over the country - in towns, villages and their surrounding countryside. The walks can range from 2 to 20 km.
See this site for locations :http://www.rando-valdeloire.fr/index.php
Every year in September
Southern Touraine,
which has over 250 km of hiking trails
, organizes a grand Randonnee on foot, by bicycle or on horseback.
Each year when the grapes are almost ripe and
are about ready for harvesting you can enjoy a guided walk through a Loire
Valley vineyards courtesy of
https://www.vvr-valdeloire.fr/ which can be educational and fun.
The region offers many opportunities to walk among its
vineyards...like this walk below in Pouilly sur Loire a little southeast
You can check out some walks in Southern Touraine by clicking here
in Touraine