Then its a return to the showroom for some tasting
and buying... if you wish.
Open all year round, 7 days a week
From 9:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 19:00
From 15/05 to 15/09 without interruption from 9:00 to 19:00
24/12 and 31/12: closing at 17:30
Caves closed on December 25 and January 1
Last visit: 18h
Departures at fixed times from 15/05 to 15/09:
- In French: 11.00,
15.00, 17.00,
- In
English: 11.30 am, 3.30 pm,
Departures at fixed times of 16/09 to 14/05:
11.00, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30, 17.30.
We have done this tour and would highly recommend
Coming from Amboise on the D
952 :
At the traffic lights in
Vouvray, continue towards Tours. Turn right at the third street, Rue des Patys/Rue
Montauron Continue for 800m and follow the signs to the wine route, to 38 rue de
la Vallée Coquette.

Coming from Tours on the D 952:
Cross Rochecorbon, then turn left on to Rue des Patys/Rue Montauronat, (you will
see sign to Cave Moncontour) Continue for 800m and follow the signs to the wine
route, to 38 rue de la Vallée Coquette.
Vouvray wine fair

Vouvray Wine Fair (Foire aux
Discover the wines
of Vouvray presented by a variety of local winemakers in the heart
of the troglodyte caves ‘de la Bonne Dame’ a great experience – try
not to be the nominated driver!.
Visitors can also enjoy gourmet specialties to accompany the wines.
Free entry. Tasting
glass is € 3.00 on site. 10 am -7 pm
Location: Vouvray - Caves de la Bonne Dame : France
